Doctor Corey Bickler Talks about Mouthguards
The nightguard especially, as it pertains to people’s clenching and grinding at nighttime, it really helps alleviate people who are really, really grinding down at nighttime. At night time, our brain actually turns off the ability to control how hard we bite down, and that’s why a nightguard is typically placed in these type of patients.
It really eliminates the ability of teeth to come together and really, you know, eliminate enamel over a long period of time. That’s certainly a great way of doing things. Alternatively, another type of nightguard or mouthguard is going to be the sports-related mouthguards. I’m a huge proponent for sports-related mouthguards in pretty much any contact sport because of the fact that they’re going to simply reduce teeth chatter.
We do often see people who have trauma in sports losing teeth, potentially. Through wearing a custom-fit sports mouthguard, we reduce a lot of that trauma. A really well-fit mouthpiece you never need to take out. And what that’s going to do more than anything is just reduce the opportunity to ever have some type of concussion or other brain-related injury from a contact.