Doctor Corey Bickler Talks about Relieving Dental Anxiety
Dentistry is a weird thing. We pop a lot of personal bubbles. Not many people, it’s their favorite place to be at, the dentist, certainly in what we’re doing. It’s our normal, it’s hardly anybody else’s normal. But overall, we really wanna take care of the person in the chair. The procedure is certainly what our goal to get done is, but ultimately, if the person in the chairs isn’t good, I’m not good.
Through some of our unique ways of dealing with things, we have some abilities to make a dental appointment a little easier for people. You know, this consists of whether you’re doing some type of oral sedation, or we offer nitrous in our office for people to kind of take the edge off of things. And we found that in time, people have a better experience. And through one good experience is built another. And over time, if people can rely on that, I think they’re gonna enjoy the dentist a bit more than otherwise.